Inspiring Caregivers to . . .
and to Keep CARING.

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11, NLT
Priscilla Jean-Louis is an ambassador of servant leadership, an inspirational caregiver and podcaster for family caregivers, an upcoming best-selling author, and a nationally sought-after graphic designer.
As owner, CEO and lead graphic designer of K&D Kreative Designs & Marketing Solutions, she specializes in Graphic Design, Web Design, Video Production, and Social Media Marketing & Management. Priscilla’s professional expertise is enhanced with over 25 years of administrative, hospitality, and marketing management experience accumulated while serving in ministerial leadership.
In 2017, she became the primary caregiver for her mother who lives with dementia. Subsequently in April 2018, she also took on caring for her grandmother who also lived with the disease. Priscilla is a relentless advocate for those who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's and provides empathetic inspiration for their caregivers. Her response to God’s mandate to make MINISTRY out of the MOMENTS was an emphatic “YES!”; and as a result, Priscilla took those ministry moments and created the social media platform, #MyFavoriteGirl & Alzheimer's, to authentically, creatively, and humorously chronicle their journey towards healing.
Priscilla invites you to be empowered by her My Favorite Girl Caregivers Corner podcast and social media platform posts. Whether it be through reading the posts or viewing the videos, you'll be inspired to Keep Going, Keep Caring, Keep Loving, and by all means, to Keep CARING.
Priscilla currently resides in Tallahassee, Florida. In her free time, she enjoys reading, journaling, and spending quality time with her daughters.

May 7, 2022
(Transparent Moment/Not So Funny)
I've found that my mom is most happy and joyful when I just sit down next to her and we just talk with one another. Often, as I pass through the house during the day, she will point to the space beside her and say, "sit right here with me." Most times, I can't in those moments because I'm working or working on something. I'm learning to slow me down and not do something, so I can just give her my undivided attention for as long as she wants. Throughout most of our conversations, she's expressing how much she loves me. Last night, she kept telling both me and Kaylin how much she loves us. She often tells me thank you for taking care of her. She asks me if I'm going to stay with her and not leave her because as she puts it, "I just want to be with you." My response is always, "Never...I'm never going to leave you." Boy, you should see the way she throws up her hands and thanks God when I tell her that...#priceless.
For whatever reason, this week I was feeling such a heaviness and sadness because of her state of living with dementia. It doesn't happen often but as you continuously watch the progression of the disease and how it affects your loved one (especially a parent), it can get real heavy. As I was reeling through my emotions, I began to reflect on my life and who I am as a love for God, my love and concern for people, so many things that all led full circle back to my mom. Kaylin and I were on a Zoom interview earlier this week, preparing for an upcoming Alz Talks video series we're participating in with the Alzheimer's Association. I was sharing with the organizer that although my mom and grandmother didn't have a lot of money to pass down to us, I believe we are still the richest because they taught me/us to be genuine loving, caring people of both God and mankind. They taught me to never, ever look down on or turn your nose up at anyone because "it could be you." You help whoever you can help with whatever you have because God blessed you, so you could bless others. They taught me that through word, action, and deed, continually. Those same values, I've done my best to live out and pass on to my girls. Yes, money does do you well but these things also make you very rich and cause you to live a life fulfilled. I don't care how much dementia has taken away from us, more and more everyday, I'm so grateful for what remains. Although her conversations are different, I go right along with her and we laugh and enjoy each other with what we have. Dementia can be very difficult but LOVE is CONSISTENT and it's so much greater than dementia.
The My Favorite Girls & Alzheimer's platform was started with what I've coined to be, "Momma Moments". These are those real moments in caring that I often share on my Facebook page. It started with posts of the really funny things my mom would say because she really should have been a comedian. As time has progressed and so has the disease, I started sharing the "not so funny" moments. My purpose in sharing all of the moments I share is to, 1. help bring greater awareness to others regarding Alzheimer's and other dementias; 2. allow others who are on their own journey of caring (whether it's for a loved one with dementia or something else) to know they are not alone; and 3. to inspire, encourage, and strengthen others to care, especially for those who once cared for us. I invite you to follow my Facebook page to read more "Momma Moment" posts, as well as my other social pages, so you, too, can be inspired to Keep CARING.

Tia Walker is quoted as saying, "To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors." As a caregiver for my mom