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This walk is very personal to me, as both my maternal grandparents had Alzheimer's. My mom (whose pictured here) was diagnosed 5 years ago. Two of my uncles (her brothers) have Alzheimer's. One of my aunts (her sister) has Alzheimer's, and we recently buried my aunt (her sister) who passed away with Alzheimer's, after 15 years. So yeah, this means something BIG to me. I'm involved though, not just for my family, myself, my children, but for every person and family who has been (or will be) affected by this disease. Here's the reality, Alzheimer's has touched and changed (or will) the lives of just about every one of you who will read this post. You either know someone who has (had) it; are caring for someone who has it, or will perhaps one day have it yourself. Take it from me, someone who is face-to-face with it 24-hours a day, it's cruel and it's hard. But, I wouldn't trade being able to serve #MyFavoriteGirl at this stage of her life.

Friends, together, we can end Alzheimer's disease. Would you please consider making a donation to advance the care, support, and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association to get us there? My goal is to raise at least $2000 for this year's walk. Will you help me to reach that goal? No amount is too small. Whatever you give, you can rest assured in knowing that you, too, are connected in the fight and are making a difference in this endeavor.


If you live in the Tallahassee area, I also invite you to join my team (#MyFavoriteGirl) and walk on October 2, 2021.


Thank you in advance for your donation and consideration.

Kingdom Blessings. Priscilla

Thank you for joining the fight against Alzheimer's!

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